Monday, March 18, 2013

"Air Quotes Man!"

Hello there. Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Strangely, I haven't done anything interesting or had a genius idea this past week. But now I have! Introducing, the newest superhero, sure to be more popular than Superman, "Air Quotes Man!" (you have to say his name with quotes). He's pretty much the coolest superhero ever! He can change anything you want to a quote! Pretty awesome, right? I've set up a deal with Marvel (okay, I didn't really, but I'm working on it). See you later! And read my comic!


Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Hello, fans of me. How are you today? Hahahaha! You can't tell me! There's no way to leave your opinion on my blog! If there was, that would be cool. I'm going to invent it, I'll call it commenting. Anyway, I went rollerskating today at RollerSkate City. It was kind of fun, if you call fun dodging a 2-4 year old that fell down because they're absolute noobs at rollerskating every 5 seconds (No offense to those 2-4 year olds, it was just an observation). Then I thought of a genius idea. What if your GPS told you when to get gas, and reprogrammed your route so that you stop at a gas station. Pretty genius huh? Anyway, it's time to the word of the day!

(Pronounced lamp-ER-else, sort of like lamp or else)

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Today, I went snowboarding. I would share a picture, but I forgot to take my camera. It was awesome, I went down at, like, a 100 mph (yes, I know that is an exaggeration). I almost did a flip, but I wiped out before my board could level with the ground. I ended up ramming the snow with the tip of my board into the snow and flipping onto my head. It was probably the best part of the whole trip. Then I went down to a lower part of the mountain and sled (or is it sledded?) with my little brother. We made a snow ramp and I took some jumps on that. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!! If only I had brought my camera! I could've shared pictures!
Anyway, today's word is...

Bpshhhhhhhhhh...(You should know what this is by now)
(That's snowboard and awesome put together)

Saturday, March 9, 2013


Hello, there. I've been thinking a lot about bananas. Why were they named that? Why are they yellow? Why don't the float? I decided to meditate on it, and found some answers. The first question, I don't know. The second question, I don't know that either. The third question, however, I do know. Gravity. That's the answer, plain and simple, gravity. You know, now that I think about it, I should've said I've found an answer, not some answers. Anyway, it's time for the word of the day.

Bpshhhhhhhhhhhh... (Drum roll)
(That's just a bunch of words put together. Yeah... My brain was tired when I wrote t his.)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

First post ever!

Hi there, fans of me. I bet you're wondering why I started this blog. Well, to answer you, I have this answer, which I will now type once I am finished with this sentence. Okay, maybe after this sentence. One more sentence? Okay, fine. The truth is, I don't have an answer to that question. I'm just doing it for the fun of it. So, yeah... Anyway! I've decided to call this blog "The World of Sage", because that's what it's going to be about, my life and what it's like. It also might have important announcements, like "It's Sage's birthday! Here's what to get him... (etc.)", but that's pretty much it. So, for the end of the first blog, I think I'll end with a word of the day. This will be where I make up a fun to say and silly word, and share it with everybody.

Today's word is:
Bpshhhhhhhh.... (drum roll)