Hi there, fans of me. I bet you're wondering why I started this blog. Well, to answer you, I have this answer, which I will now type once I am finished with this sentence. Okay, maybe after this sentence. One more sentence? Okay, fine. The truth is, I don't have an answer to that question. I'm just doing it for the fun of it. So, yeah... Anyway! I've decided to call this blog "The World of Sage", because that's what it's going to be about, my life and what it's like. It also might have important announcements, like "It's Sage's birthday! Here's what to get him... (etc.)", but that's pretty much it. So, for the end of the first blog, I think I'll end with a word of the day. This will be where I make up a fun to say and silly word, and share it with everybody.
Today's word is:
Bpshhhhhhhh.... (drum roll)
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